What is a No-See-Em?
What is a No-see-em? No-see-ems, also known as sand gnats and biting midges are tiny pests that swarm, cause painful bites and make you miserable! Learn how to control No-see-ems with Greenbug options and enjoy the outdoors again!
What is an Automatic Pest Control System?
Can 'automatic' and 'pest control' be linked together? FInd out here about the Greenbug System offering Automatic Pest Control through your irrigation. Control mosquitoes, fleas, ants, no-see-esms, roaches, and more - automatically thanks to the Greenbug System! -
How to Control No-see-ems
No-see-ems are practically invisible biting bugs that will drive you indoors on the most beautiful days. But Greenbug controls No-see-ems so you can enjoy the magnificent outdoors - free from these Sand Gnats, Sand Fleas, Biting Midges, No-see-ems - othersie known as flying teeth!