Collection: Pests - Fleas


Fleas will drive you nuts.  They will drive your favorite furry friends nuts!  But they can be controlled… and the important goal is to get ahead of them.  If you are reading this, you are behind the fleas and this will give you the steps to control fleas.

Flea control breaks down into two categories – Flea Prevention and Flea Infestations, moderate and severe.

Treatment for Fleas: Flea Prevention

Materials Needed:

Greenbug for People/Pets

  1. Spray into hands and massage into fur using two sprays per 10 pounds
  2. Always spray into hands to apply on face/snout.
  3. Can be applied before or after exposure to pests.
  4. May need multiple re-applications especially when active or wet.

    Greenbug Ready to Use or

    Greenbug Concentrate, properly diluted

    1. Bathe your dog using ½ cup of Greenbug Ready to Use or Greenbug Concentrate properly diluted mixed in the shampoo and bath water.
    2. Spray directly on doggie and massage into fur using two sprays per 5 pounds
    3. Always spray into hands to apply on face/snout.
    4. Treating after exposure is most effective the sooner it is performed

    Flea Infestation, Moderate:

    Materials Needed:

    Greenbug Ready to Use or

    Greenbug Concentrate, properly diluted

    Hand Sprayer or

    Pump Sprayer or

    Backpack Sprayer or

    Hose-end Sprayer 

    1. Control the source of fleas, treat the environment, and then treat the pet.
    2. If the dog stays outside for periods of time, assume that is where the fleas are coming from.
    3. After the initial treatments, only treat Fido when there is no Greenbug aroma in the fur.
    4. Not recommended for use on cats.
    5. Spray any sleeping or resting areas outside with Greenbug Ready to Use or Greenbug Concentrate properly diluted for 5 consecutive days using whichever sprayer is most effective.
    6. Continue applications twice a week until fleas are controlled.
    7. Vacuum the house thoroughly paying careful attention to areas the dog sleeps or spends time.
    8. Spray Greenbug Ready to Use or Greenbug Concentrate properly diluted on all baseboards, carpeted areas, dog bedding and areas the dog sleeps or spends time.
    9. Continue applications daily until fleas are controlled.
    10. Wash all dog bedding using the hottest possible settings in the washer and dryer. Add ¼ cup of Greenbug Ready to Use or properly diluted Greenbug Concentrate to the fabric softener cycle. 
    11. Bathe your dog using ½ cup of Greenbug Ready to Use or Greenbug Concentrate properly diluted mixed in the shampoo and bath water.
    12. Spray Greenbug Ready to Use or Greenbug Concentrate properly diluted directly on doggie and massage into fur using two sprays per 5 pounds as needed.
    13. Always spray into hands to apply on face/snout.

      Flea Infestation, severe: 

      Materials needed:

      Greenbug Flea Infestation Treatment (either purchased fogger or rented fogger)

      Greenbug for People/Pets using 1 quart per 1000 sq. ft. of treated area

      Greenbug Ready to Use or

      Greenbug Concentrate, properly diluted

      1. Vacuum entire area thoroughly. Vacuum the surfaces of bedding, upholstered furniture, drapes and rugs as possible.
      2. Wash dog bedding using the hottest possible settings in the washer and dryer. Add ¼ cup of Greenbug Ready to Use or properly diluted Greenbug Concentrate to the fabric softener cycle. 
      3. Prior to treatment, turn off all pilot lights. Turn off smoke alarms and alert security system monitoring companies as the fog can trigger smoke alarms.  Remove all animals/pets and plants from areas to be fogged.
      4. Fog the area using the Greenbug Fogger bundle and Greenbug for People/Pets (1 quart per 1000 square feet of coverage) using the smallest droplet setting on the fogger. You must use a respirator (not face mask) and goggles.   
      5. Beginning at the far side of each room, aim the fogger directly at all potential harbor spots (draperies, carpeting, furniture, mattresses, box springs, rugs, curtains, stuffed animals, pillows, etc.) Make sure the mist falls evenly and penetrates thoroughly. Pry fabric apart, blast up under and into upholstered furniture, fog all nooks and crannies as you move your way out of the room.
      6. Allow the fog to penetrate a minimum of 4 hours. Upon returning, wear the respirator and goggles if any fog remains. Air out the areas that have been fogged by opening windows, using fans, and/or by running the HVAC to circulate the air.  Clean the room as usual and inhabit immediately after the fog has dissipated.
      7. After treatment, lightly spray the vacuum hose and canister with Greenbug for People/Pets to control any dust mites within the vacuum cleaner.
      8. Continue steps for Flea Infestation, Moderate.
      9. For information on Flea Control for your entire property: Greenbug System

        7 products
        • Greenbug for People/Pets, 2 ounce bottle
          Greenbug for People/Pets, 2 ounce bottle
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out
        • Greenbug People/Pets, one quart
          Greenbug for People/Pets, 1 quart
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out
        • Greenbug People/Pets, one gallon
          Greenbug for People/Pets, 1 gallon
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out
        • Greenbug Ready to Use, one quart
          Greenbug Ready to Use, 1 quart
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out
        • Greenbug Ready to Use, one gallon
          Greenbug Ready to Use, 1 gallon
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out
        • Greenbug Concentrate, one quart
          Greenbug Concentrate, 1 quart
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out
        • Greenbug Concentrate, one gallon
          Greenbug Concentrate, 1 gallon
          Regular price
          Sale price
          Regular price
          Unit price
          Sold out