Greenbug for People/Pets controls biting pests! Perfect for kid's sports teams, gardeners, hunters, fishermen, golfers, and for those who travel. This 2 ounce bottle will pass through airport security. Keep a bottle in your purse, your car, your sports bag, and whenever you travel to create a pest free barrier.
Greenbug for People/Pets, 2 ounce bottle
Greenbug For People/Pets controls Mosquitoes, Head Lice, Fleas, Bed Bugs, No-see-ems, Sand Gnats, Sand Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Chiggers, etc. Using an active ingredient of cedar, Greenbug for People/Pets controls pests on people and pets.
For Mosquitoes, No-see-ems, chiggers, sand gnats, ticks, and other biting pests:
- Apply evenly on all exposed skin by spraying directly from 2 - 6 inches or spray into hands and then rub on skin.
- Spray into hands first to apply on face
- May need reapplication every few hours especially when active or perspiring.
- Can also be applied to clothing and other belongings as it does not stain.
For head lice:
- Liberally apply to hair and scalp.
- Cover with a shower cap for a minimum of 4 hours to overnight.
- Shampoo thoroughly, style as usual. It is not necessary to comb out the nits (eggs).
- Use additional Greenbug for People/Pets on large items that are difficult to launder.
- Help prevent head lice by lightly spraying hair and belongings before exposure to head lice.
When traveling to avoid bed bugs:
- Spray yourself, luggage and belongings prior to travel with Greenbug for People/Pets.
- When you arrive at your destination, thoroughly inspect and lightly spray all linen layers down to the mattress with Greenbug for People/Pets.
- Also inspect and spray under and behind the headboard and artwork above the bed - this creates your barrier of control for a secure night's sleep.
- Spray yourself, luggage and belongings prior to traveling home and thoroughly inspect your things before entering your home.
For Dogs:
- Spray into hands and massage into fur using 2 sprays for every 10 pounds of weight.
- Can be applied before or after exposure to pests.