Flea Infestation Rental Fogger Treatment
Agreement Includes:
1 Greenbug Fogger Rental
1 Fogger Return Shipping
Package Includes:
1 Greenbug NIOSH Approved Bandit Respirator
1 Greenbug Non-Vented Clear Safety Goggles
1 Greenbug Ultra-Low Volume Fogger
1 Greenbug Concentrate, one quart
1 Greenbug for People/Pets, 2 ounce bottle
1 Greenbug People/Pets, one gallon
1 Greenbug People/Pets, one quart
At Greenbug, we are devoted to controlling pests in a variety of ways. Therefore, we have developed the fogger rental program which allows our customers to treat fleas without having to purchase the fogger. We will charge the rental rate plus shipping charges upfront. The rental period begins the day of receipt of the fogger and a grace period of ten days is granted for the customer to use the fogger. By the tenth day, the fogger must be shipped back to Greenbug, Inc. using the pre-printed shipping label provided. The fogger must be returned clean, in good condition, free of damage, and must have been used with Greenbug products ONLY.
TERMS: The rental period begins when equipment arrives (determined via UPS shipping records) and continues until the equipment is delivered to UPS for return to Greenbug, Inc. which must be on or before day 10. A return shipping label is included but if lost, the equipment must be sent to:
Greenbug, Inc.
747 Robert Smalls Parkway
Beaufort, SC 29907
Receipt of shipping delivery notification will end the rental term as long as upon receipt the equipment is undamaged, has been used for Greenbug product(s) ONLY, and is in good working order. If equipment is not shipped within the ten day period, a fee of $25 per day will be charged daily until the equipment is received in a satisfactory condition or until the purchase price of the fogger is reached.
SHIPPING and TAXES: Shipping is paid for by the Client. The shipping charges will be added to your invoice. The client is responsible for any and all return shipping costs.
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The client assumes all financial responsibility for the loss or damage of any rental equipment obtained through Greenbug, Inc. including repairs to rental equipment due to misuse, abuse, or accidental damage. The client agrees to inspect all rental equipment upon receipt. Should rental equipment fail to operate correctly, or is damaged upon receipt, the client shall notify Greenbug, Inc. within 24 hours of receipt of equipment in order to remedy the situation.
USE OF EQUIPMENT: The equipment is for use with Greenbug products ONLY. The Renter shall use equipment in accordance with all laws and governmental requirements and the manufacturer's instructions and specifications. The client shall not assign or sublet equipment or allow any repairs, alterations, or modifications of any equipment without prior written consent of Greenbug, Inc. All equipment is cleaned prior to shipment from Greenbug, Inc. It is the client's responsibility that the integrity of the product be maintained during transit. The client shall bear the entire risk of loss or damage to the equipment from any cause, and shall hold Greenbug, Inc. harmless from any and all litigation, losses, costs and expenses arising out of use, possession, or operation of equipment.
RETURN OF EQUIPMENT: Upon completion of use, the client shall return equipment to Greenbug, Inc., Beaufort, SC, in substantially the same condition that it was first received. The equipment is for use with Greenbug products ONLY and failure to comply will result in the full charge of the equipment to the client. The client shall be responsible for replacement of any lost or damaged accessories and manuals. The client shall properly pack the equipment for return shipment and shall be responsible for loss or damage caused during the return shipment.
PAYMENT TERMS: Rental payment and shipping cost is due at the time of rental.
LIABILITY: In no event will Greenbug, Inc. be liable for any consequential, incidental, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, loss of use of any equipment, damage to other equipment, damage to personal items, personal property, or cost of substitute equipment and downtime costs. Greenbug, Inc. shall not be responsible for loss or damage to a clients business, property, or for injury or death to persons. The client shall indemnify Greenbug, Inc. and hold it harmless from any claims for any of the foregoing, including associated legal fees and expenses.
AGREEMENT: The above terms and conditions are the only terms and conditions under which Greenbug, Inc. will rent equipment. Any alteration or modification must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Greenbug, Inc. Permission is granted to print a copy of these terms.
Treatment for a Flea Infestation
In addition, you will need:
- A vacuum cleaner
- Greenbug Respirator for each person involved in the treatment
- Greenbug Safety Goggles for each person involved in the treatment
- 1 quart of Greenbug for People/Pets per 1000 sq. ft. of treatment (bundle package will treat up to 4000 sq. ft.)
- Vacuum entire area thoroughly. Vacuum the surfaces of pet bedding, all areas pets sleep on upholstered furniture and rugs. Pay special care to the corners and areas where carpet abuts a wall. This is where Flea eggs and alarva reside.
- If relevant, wash linens, bedding and affected belongings using the hottest possible settings in the washer and dryer. Add ¼ cup of Greenbug Ready to Use or properly diluted Greenbug Concentrate to the fabric softener cycle.
- Prior to treatment, turn off all pilot lights. Turn off smoke alarms and alert security system monitoring companies as the fog can trigger smoke alarms.
- Remove pets/animals and plants from area to be fogged and do not re-introduce until all fog is gone.
- Pull furniture and artwork away from the walls. Separate mattress and box springs and set each on the side to access all surfaces of mattress and box springs.
- Turn the dial on the fogger to the smallest droplet size output. This allows the Greenbug for People/Pets to penetrate more easily.
- Fog the area using the Greenbug Fogger and Greenbug for People/Pets (1 quart per 1000 square feet of coverage) using the smallest droplet setting on the fogger.
- All involved must use a respirator (not face mask) and goggles.
- Beginning at the far side of each room, aim the fogger directly at all potential spots fleas may lurk – under and behind furniture, all around the mattresses, box springs, rugs, pet bedding and blankets whre they like to sleep, etc.
- Direct the fog into corners, cracks and crevices using sweeping motions back and forth. Make sure the mist falls evenly and penetrates thoroughly.
- Exit room and close door. It may help to stuff a towel at the base of the door to keep fog contained.
- Allow the fog to penetrate a minimum of 4 hours to overnight. Upon returning, wear the respirator and goggles if any fog remains. Air out the areas that have been fogged by opening windows, using fans, and/or by running the HVAC to circulate the air.
- Clean the room as usual and you can inhabit immediately after the fog has dissipated.
- Treatment can be repeated after 4 hours. Depending on the severity of the infestation, multiple treatments may be necessary. The more thorough the fogging effort, the better the results. Setting the fogger in the middle of the room and hoping it gets to the hiding spots will not be successful.
- Smooth surfaces (hardwood floors, countertops, tile floors, etc.) may be slick after fogging treatment so exercise caution upon re-entry. These surfaces may require normal cleaning. Textile items (fabric, carpet, draperies, upholstery, etc.) will not need cleaning and it is suggested to not vacuum for a few days to allow the Greenbug for People/Pets to maintain a barrier control.
- After treatment, lightly spray the vacuum hose and canister with Greenbug for People/Pets to control any Flea eggs or larva within the vacuum cleaner.
- Spray Greenbug Concentrate, properly diluted on linens and bedding once a week as a preventative.
- To prevent future Flea Infestations, a Greenbug System will provide Automatic Pest Control for Fleas for your entire property using Greenbug through your irrigation system.