How to Prevent Bugs In My Yard
Bugs in the yard are a real problem. Whether you enjoy grilling, gardening, playing catch, or dining alfresco, bugs in the yard ruin everything. Bites, itching, swatting…YUCK!
How can you prevent bugs in the yard?
A Greenbug System offers Automatic Pest Control through your irrigation system. A Greenbug System will distribute all natural ingredients from Nature herself. No toxic chemicals. It runs automatically. Everywhere water from the irrigation system is directed becomes pest free.
How can this be?
An existing irrigation system runs maybe 3 times a week, early-ish in the morning for say 20 minutes a zone. With a Greenbug System, the watering of the property as programmed stays exactly the same.
But there is another program… for the Greenbug. When the Greenbug System programming runs, it will run daily for just two minutes each zone. The sprinklers are activated and at the very same time a pump is engaged. The pump will inject the specified amount of Greenbug into the main irrigation line to be distributed throughout the property. Kind of like an I.V. drip into the main waterline.
Once applied, the minimum amount of water used will evaporate and the all-natural Greenbug remains to create a barrier that bugs will not cross.
Mosquitoes will not venture into a Greenbug yard to lay eggs. Fleas will be controlled. Ants, No-see-ems, Roaches, Chiggers, Ticks, Aphids, Mole Crickets, Grubs, Stinkbugs, etc., are ALL controlled by Greenbug.
The reason a Greenbug System controls bugs is because of the active ingredient of Cedar. Just like your Grandmother’s cedar chest and cedar closet where you never see a bug. Cedar is Nature’s secret weapon against bugs and use of cedar for pest control goes way back to the pyramids.
Cedar controls all creatures who are pheromone or scent-driven, meaning they get their food through sense of smell. If you are a scent-driven pest that likes to bite humans such as Mosquitoes, No-see-ems, or Fire Ants, Greenbug’s active ingredient of cedar is deadly. Yet Greenbug is harmless to humans, animals and beneficial creatures who get their food through sense of sight. Butterflies, honeybees, birds, pets, and children are all safe when Greenbug is used.
If you ask, “How do I prevent bugs in my yard?”, the answer is a Greenbug System.